
7 Social Sins

So I saw this list at a temple somewhere in Kyoto -- just can't remember where or which one. The Seven Social Sins:
  1. Politics without Principles
  2. Wealth without Work
  3. Pleasure without Conscience
  4. Knowledge without Character
  5. Commerce without Morality
  6. Science without Humanity
  7. Worship without Sacrifice
Some thoughts... #2 is on point. I can always relate that with corruption. That shit is big where I'm from which is directly related to #1 -- or at least in politics. It's a business out there, it's not even funny. But still hopeful that PDU30 can change the whole painting, that is, if zeroing it out is next to impossible. #3 is good. And #6 reminds me of the atomic bomb. I've read several stories about why it had to be dropped (or tested) and why Hiroshima was considered. Learned a lot about that piece of history. And that's why I can't wait to get to Ground Zero in a couple of days!

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