
Top Blogs in the Philippines

I just found out about this while heading over to read some tech news and reviews on the YugaTech blog. Apparently, the country’s top blog spot belongs to someone who offers some really cool and nifty friendster layout designs. You can find the running list over at TopBlogs. I am just unsure if they update that real-time or daily. I could only guess but I think they have set a default minimum delay, like 60 sec. I can only be certain about one thing though — a lot of our folks around here really visit Friendster a lot too often. Now, whether that gets a lot more hits coming from the Philippines than hits to Google coming from everywhere else, could be anyone’s guess at this point.

So I’ll let you in on a secret: this blog’s objective will be to get on that list soon. Hopefully. But I would need an audience first and would need more work to get it done. No pain, no gain. So good luck to me.

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